The traditional three month period of rain retreat ended with the Kathina ceremony held at the London Buddhist Vihara on Sunday, 30 October.
The ceremony commenced with the kathina robe being taken in procession on the roads around the vihara block.

17 monks from Sri Lankan temples in the UK participated in the ceremony

The recipient of this years kathina robe was Ven Thawalama Bandula, senior resident monk at the vihara.

The vihara was pleased to welcome over 250 devotees who attended the ceremony.

Kathina signifies the traditional end of the Vassa (Rainy) Season pertaining to the Buddha's own home ground in Northern India. A Vihara may perform this ceremony only once in any particular year. Kathina is an auspicious event giving devotees the rare opportunity of offering a Kathina Robe to the Sangha who have observed the Rainy Retreat (Vassa) at this Vihara. The occasion also gives an opportunity for practising dana (generosity) in providing useful requisites to the monks and to the Vihara in general.

This year, the task of looking after the welfare of the monks during the three month period of vassa was undertaken by five families of devotees.


Pictures by Tissa Madawela